Arik Zakri bin Abdul Kadir

Arik Zakri bin Abdul Kadir

Welcome !

I am a lawyer concerned with issues on access to justice and the rights of persons with learning disabilities. Justice is essential to build safe communities, strong nations and lasting civilisations. I have taught, written and consulted on several areas of law for the benefit of individuals and organisations within and outside my country.




Memahami Prosidur Siasatan SPRM

What’s the timeline looking like?

(Re Former PM’s case)

Proses Perundangan Pasca Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi

The Ninth Schedule. Our Constitution’s ‘special sauce’

Altantuya Murder: Motiveless Crime, Hidden Masterminds?

Peranan Tertuduh adalah untuk menimbulkan keraguan dalam kes Pendakwaan


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